Sophie Tea introduces 'Brewing' where she will open her gallery doors to welcome aspiring and emerging artists.
'The concept began as I know when you’re thinking about a career as an artist it can be really daunting on where to start or what to do! I thought having a gallery show in Carnaby, London might give aspiring artists that extra push of confidence needed to make the leap! Also, an opportunity to make a sale and gain that much needed ‘putting yourself out there’ experience.'
There was over 1,500 applications, shortlisted to 50 and over 20,000 public votes to narrow it down to 25 winners. A big congratulations to the successful artists, the exhibition saw a huge amount of family, friends and followers visiting the gallery, browsing and purchasing from the collection! Some of the artists made their very first sales which is so exciting. Thank you so much to everyone involved, we can't wait to show you what's next for 'BREWING'.

Auriane Phillippon 'Tumultuous Waves @aurianestudio | Axelle Liora 'CANDY CANES' | Beth Evans 'Percy Pigs' @b.evansdesigns | Bethany Clarke 'Run my Mind' | Bronwyn Vermeulen 'The Sirens' @mypurpledaisyselflove | Carly Klingbiel 'Where Mysterious Flowers Bloom' @carlyklingbiel | Faye Greenman 'GIRLHOOD' @fayegreenman | Holly Bright 'Your place or mine?' @hollybrightart | Julia Apostolidou Paperthin @byjulialidou | Kate Carter 'ARRIVE' @katecarterart | Kate Roberts 'It’s only forever @whatkatysartdid | Katie McGowan 'Honeydew' @katiemcgowanart | Keeley McSweeney 'Indulge' @keeleyfmp | Kirsty Turner 'Robert DeNiro' | Leigh Dodimead 'Sam' | Lilly Maddocks 'Lake Tekapo' @Lily.mmadd

Marley Darke 'Positano' @inkillustrations | Melissa Laurence 'Tea from the Garden' @lissart_studio | Miriam Amankwa 'A blossom of lilies' @drawescapism | Molly Forden 'Serpentine' @mollymack_art | Paige Barnwell 'Natural Desires' @paigebarnwell | Sarah Jaban 'Middle Eastern Siren' @MonofinMermaids | Yazmin Gill 'Warm Embrace' @yasmingillart | Zoe Louise 'No Point Crying' @zoeloudesign | Annabelle Louisa 'Paddy’s Lazy Afternoon' @annabelle.artwork | 'Twiggles 'BEEP!' @twiggles