Heyyy from Los Angeles!

Welcome to my FIRST ever blog post. This has been on my list of things to do for SO long. Right now it's raining in LA, so with the Superbowl on it the background, here I am!

This city is CRAZY. Never ever ever have I felt more out of my depth; La La Land is not as conducive to the #artlife as I imagined. That being said, despite the 1) rejection 2) competitiveness 3) expense, (all of which I KNOW are good for me in the long-term), I'm having a blast!
The purpose of my trip was to paint on hostel walls. These murals were a part of my master plan to increase exposure and to work in a new, inspiring place. So far, I've been turned down by 2 big ones already: HI Los Angeles and Banana Bungalow. Both super-cool, both totally uninterested.
But WORRY NOT! Even though I'm making it up as I go along, I've realised that: success without some hardship is just a boring story.

I will report back in as soon as I've made some actual career-progress. For now, you can find me running round The City of Angels trying to talk to as many interesting people as possible. If you want to follow this, then I use Instagram story. A lot.
At first it was a way of keeping my family in the loop. Now it's become second-nature to share the highs and the lows, SO if you don't think that's totally sad, then you should click on this button!

SO, I'm completely new to the blogging world. I have a few ideas about future posts, but if you guys want to hear about anything in particular, leave a comment below and let's make it happen.
World peace x