It's Ella here to let you all know that today is...
World Lion Day!!!
Since Sophie's lions are so loved by you all (and I'm a Leo, shout out to all my fellow Leos) we just had to do a post about it. Plus I think we can all agree that lions are pretty cool.

What is World Lion Day? You ask.
We answer: We've totally not just found out and EVERYONE should know about this.
World Lion Day is pretty self-explanatory, it's a day completely dedicated to the beautiful, incredible, majestic lion. The day was founded by Big Cat Rescue which is one of the largest accredited cat sanctuaries in the world! They do amazing things to help abused and mistreated big cats, their main goal is to help these amazing animals and to stop them becoming extinct.
Read more about what they get up to on their website here.
In aid of this:
We've got a discount code for you all: WORLDLIONDAY which gives you 10% off prints. We will be donating 10% of all orders today to Big Cat Rescue as a thank you for all they do and to help them towards their mission. This offer ends at midnight tonight so click here to browse our prints!
We also ask that you all come together and pay a tribute to lions for the day in any creative way you can think possible. To get you all started, why not share a picture of your favourite Sophie Tea Lion or Animal and add the hashtag #worldlionday to make everyone aware, make sure you tag us so we can repost!
If you'd like to make a donation to Big Cat Rescue's mission click here and make sure you follow them on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Let's do what we can to help these precious cats and our planet.