SO, this post has been long overdue, you guys are always asking me about artists who inspire me. I've put together my favourites below so enjoy!

I've been following Danielle since day 1. Based in Melbourne, she is one of the most awesome people I've never met. She pulls late nights, works her arse off and we are often sending each other 'YOU GO GIRL' support messages from opposite sides of the planet. We plan to meet one day, but until then, keep killing it girl. I'm following every moment and I'm proud of how bloody great you are at painting! xxxxx

The girls in my studio take the piss out of me because I'm always like 'I should be more like Jess Swan' - like honestly, those words come out of my mouth on a daily basis. Jess' Instagram growth has been absolutely insane and she deserves every single bit of success because she is a kind, painted soul.... AND, not to mention an extremely talented abstract artist. My first piece of original art was actually a gift from Jess! I got some post from Austrailia and I was like 'OMG CUTE, WILL (boyfriend) has sent me a package. When I opened it and saw it I realised I-don't-need-no-man when I've got THE JESS SWAN ART. Jess, you've been one of my biggest inspirations in the art game, thank you xxx

You know when you fan girl people, that's me to Heather Day. So much so that I hope she sees this article and just sees my name or something lollll! Heather is based in San Fransico and just oozes style and sophistication. As far as immitators go, I think Heather wins the award for the most copiers. I'm constantly browsing art insta's and seeing artists being inspired by her creations. If you want to check out the FIRST MOVER, then go follow her page! And hey Heather, how are you? xxxxx

My art bezzie! Harriet Hoult, based in Wimbledon Art Studios with me. I actually don't know what my life would be without having this amazing woman by my side. We have chats almost every day about our vision and goals and where we want to be. Harriet is one of those people that after you chat to her, you just feel happier about your life. Harriet quit her job in advertising 3 years ago to become an artist too. It's really interesting for me to watch her journey because she has taken such a different route to be in paving her success. She produces the coolest abstract works is one of the coolest people I know. I realise I haven't really spoken about her art that much here, rather just how sick she is, SO, I'll let the art do the talking. Follow her xxxxxx

This lovely lady used to work out of Wimbledon Art Studios but has since left me for hotter climates which I absolutely do not blame her for!!! When I first joined we had studios right next door and I think every day I used to watch her paint her expressive abstract work and it was captivating. She is what I would refer to as a 'proper' artist. She is a Royal Academist, I still to this day don't know that much about official arty things, but it basically means the experts agree that she is LEGIT smashing it. Her work is beautiful, give her a follow!
Sophie xx