A message from Sophie Tea Art

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Hey loves, 

We hope you and your loved ones are keeping safe during this unprecedented time.

Here at Sophie Tea Art we just wanted to reach out and reassure you that you are not alone at this time of uncertainty and fear. As a brand that puts you guys first and values how present you all are in every decision we make, we want to let you know we will be keeping you all updated and connected.

We are closely monitoring the situation and will continue to follow the guidance of public health experts whilst still trying to keep this small business going. At present, we are despatching all orders as normal until we receive any further updates from our delivery service. 

We know the joy artwork can bring to a home so we want to continue sharing our message and happiness.
Sophie’s focus remains the same: 
Get Creative. 

What are some things that you’ve been wanting to do but haven’t had the time to? 

Pick up that pen, paintbrush or book. Set up that business Instagram or Website. Call your friends and family, reorganise your bedroom, build a den, watch some Disney classics. The list is endless!

Hannah and Ella are lucky enough to be able to walk to work when necessary, limiting the risk of others and their health, and going straight to our studio when necessary. We are all being extra careful and extra kind at this important time and we hope you will too x 

We would also like to encourage you to keep in contact with loved ones, please look after your minds and bodies. Remember charities like Mind and Samaritans if you are finding this time particularly hard. 

Please send us a message on Instagram and let us know your thoughts/what you’d like to see! Your messages, sharing and support do so much for us as a small business. So please don’t stop!

If anything is to disrupt your order we will let you know at the earliest possibility. If you have any queries about your upcoming order please contact hannah@sophieteaart.com

Thanks so much for being here and supporting this journey we’re on.

Lots of love,

The Sophie Tea Art team xxxxx

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