So the 100 Day Abstract Challenge is officially OVER! For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, I have been releasing an abstract every day (or so lol) at 8pm on Instagram for £250. The first person to comment 'me' on the post, got it. These 100 days have honestly been the best days of my life and I'm SO thankful that every single one has sold!!! I was not expecting it!

The whole point of the challenge was to let everyone know about my transition from animal art. I knew that if I set myself a task of producing one a day it would:
1) Wet all ya appetites for ABSTRACT ART
2) Make me basically just get better at it yanooo
I have learnt so much about new materials and new techniques and I'm now basically so excited to work on bigger pieces and grow as an artist.
A lot of you missed out on getting the 8pm abstract after trying so hard. I mean on number 100 there were 13 comments! My mum called me when we were approaching the end of The Abstract Challenge and came up with this amazing idea. So, as a thank you to everyone who wanted one but couldn't get one in time, I have released a *100 HOUR LINK* for a 'Blind Abstract'.
- Surprise me! (I call all the shots)
- Rainbow
- Monochrome
- Pinks, Blues, Purples
- Greens, Teals, Turquoises
- Browns, Oranges, Greens
Alternatively, you can just quote the number of a previous abstract you like. These are all at the same price of £250 and the link will expire on Tuesday at 6pm so GO GO GO!
Lots of love,
Sophie xxx